Saturday, May 24, 2008

Capture the Flag - Defending Basics

The key to a good defense is a good offense, err… wait, I think it’s the key to a good offense is a good defense. In Halo, a good team will always play offense and defense. Remember that knowing when to stay back and prevent an enemy capture is very situational. Here are some things to keep in mind:

* Is your flag gone and you’re in no position to capture theirs? If so, it would be best to try to prevent them getting an uncontested capture.

* Are you teammates dead and you’re in no position to attack? Staying back to help your teammates off their own spawn can prevent the other team from gaining map control.

* Is your team in control of the power-ups and power weapons? Lacking those snipers and a rocket? Chances are the enemy will make a push to capture; it might be a good time to try to regain control of some of those weapons.

Remember, Halo is a situational game. Sometimes you’ll find that you can run into the enemy base and sneak away with the flag and sometimes you’ll be able to camp in the base and use the flag as bait. But, in general, knowing these basic items will make your team much more successful in a game of CTF.

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